PetHubb Rewards Membership Program
Unlock a world of rewards and benefits with our exclusive loyalty program, first of its kind in the middle east!
The choice is yours, you can either earn your membership status or pay a membership fee to fast tack your status to gain instant access to the benefits.
Why become a member?
Paid Membership Options
Pethubb Rewards FAQs
Do I need to pay for membership?
No, not at all. The choice is yours. You can earn your membership based on the number of orders you place and the amount you spend with Pethubb in a 12 month period. For example: to EARN a silver membership, if you place your first order in April of a year, and place at least 6 different orders, and spend a total of AED1500 or more before March of the next year, you will be automatically upgraded to Silver membership.
However, if you would like to get the benefits of the sliver membership immediately, you can pay the membership fee and get instant access to the benefits for 12 months. No minimum spend or orders are required.
Please note: Be sure to use a single account to place orders, merging of multiple accounts and orders will not be permitted.
What if buy a membership and eventually place enough orders to have earned a membership?
If you have paid for a membership, then place enough orders and spend above the minimum requirement for a certain tier, you will not have to pay for a membership you qualify for for the next 12 months, as you have earned the membership for that teir.
If you would like to upgrade to a higher tier, that you did not qualify for but would like to enjoy the benefits of the higher tier, you can pay the membership fee to access that tier at any stage.
Please note: Be sure to use a single account to place orders, merging of multiple accounts and orders will not be permitted.
If I pay for a membership, do I need to place a certain amount of orders?
No, if you pay for a membership, you immediately get the benefit of that tier and you are NOT required to place a certain amount of orders or have a minimum spend. You will full access to the benefits for 12 months from the time you paid for your membership.
How does the food and accessories discount work for members?
If you have paid for a membership or have earn a membership of Silver and above, you qualify for an ongoing, immediate minimum discount on your orders!
You will need to log into the your account with the member account email address you used to setup the account on Once you have logged in, you will see the discounted prices of the products based on the discounts that you qualify for.
Standard retail prices are applicable to general non-members and bronze members. The ongoing discounted pricing and reserved for loyalty program members of sliver and above. You can only access these tiers if you have qualified for these levels.
Please note: Be sure to use a single account to place orders, merging of multiple accounts and orders will not be permitted.
What does an "Earned" Membership mean?
We want to recognise loyal customers that support us by giving you an option to be automatically upgraded to higher tiers, and enjoy their ongoing benefits. If you place a certain amount of orders, and have spent a minimum about with us. (see the membership table for details), once you have reached these minimum benchmarks, you will have "earned" your membership and are not required to pay for a membership in order to enjoy the benefits, due to your loyalty and support you have given PetHubb.
Please note: Be sure to use a single account to place orders, merging of multiple accounts and order will not be permitted.